ASDNews– 18.03.2021 – Milrem Robotics, the European leading robotics and autonomous systems developer and Marduk Technologies, the provider of world-class Counter Unmanned Aerial System (C-UAS) solutions jointly launched a unique mobile autonomous C-UAS platform that offers protection against loitering munition and surveillance drones. The jointly developed system features the electro-optical C-UAS platform Marduk Shark and the THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). This mobile solution provides frontline forces with an independent ability to accurately detect, classify and target loitering munition and other flying objects. It uses the most advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 18.03.2021 – Citadel Defense has been awarded multiple counter drone delivery contracts from Five Eyes (FVEY) customers. Citadel’s Titan counter unmanned aircraft system (CUAS) will be rapidly fielded in response to immediate operational needs. The Titan was selected based on positive reports from over a dozen evaluations and three years of successful military and federal agency deployments. Titan delivers autonomous protection against an estimated 98% of commercially available drone platforms with superior performance in urban environments. Low support, training, and sustainment costs deliver a force multiplying benefit to militaries and governments during a time when resources and budgets are constrained… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 17.03.2021 – D-Fend Solutions – the leader in counter-drone, radio frequency-based takeover technology – and the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement (IDGA) – a non-partisan think tank dedicated to the ongoing development and promotion of the Department of Defense, armed services and federal government’s critical defense goals – released survey results today revealing that traditional counter-drone technologies, such as jamming-based and kinetic solutions, are viewed as inadequate. The counter-small, unmanned aerial systems (C-sUAS) survey collected insights from security personnel worldwide who are involved in their organization’s C-sUAS operations. Participants hailed from special forces and military (40% of respondents), national security and homeland security (23%), law enforcement agencies (19%) and other types of organizations (18%)… lire l’article
Defense Daily– 18.03.2021 – Textron Systems [TXT] announced Thursday the company has received a five-year deal from the Army worth up to $607 million to upgrade its Shadow drones to the modernized Block III configuration. The deal follows the successful completion of the Army’s follow-on… lire l’article
GovConWire– 09.03.2021 – Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) has received a one-year, $81.9 million contract to sustain, test and engineer MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft systems for the U.S. Navy. The company will also provide technical and field support under the cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to ensure the company-built UAS’ readiness for military intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions, the Department of Defense said Monday… lire l’article
Air Recognition – 18.03.2021 – “These funds come at an important time in Aerovel’s growth,” said Ali Dian, CEO of Aerovel. “We are seeing excellent interest in Flexrotor from government and private users, and this investment round will enable us to quickly scale. We plan to raise additional funds later this year and more than double in size.” Flexrotor is designed to operate with economics that are practical for commercial service while being effective for military applications. It can be used day or night for a diverse range of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance on land and at sea. The aircraft offers an unprecedented combination of small size, large payload/range, economy, autonomy and basing flexibility… lire l’article
UAS weekly– 18.03.2021 – Skyfront, the leading manufacturer of long endurance gasoline-electric hybrid drones, broke the multirotor drone flight time record by staying airborne for 13 hours and 4 minutes and traveling a distance of 205 miles. The world record-breaking flight was achieved by the lightweight, powerful, and efficient Skyfront Perimeter 8—the company’s most advanced eight rotor drone designed to meet and exceed the capabilities of even the most advanced helicopters. The historic event was captured via the drone’s onboard 360 cameras, which can be seen here: The secret behind their record-breaking flight is the Skyfront proprietary fuel-injected hybrid gasoline-electric powertrain. The powertrain replaces the battery and dramatically extends flight times by a factor of twenty. It is optimized for power and efficiency and is seamlessly integrated into the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) design to reduce weight and power consumption… lire l’article
Tomtravel – 15.03.2021 – Créé à Paris en 2013, Starburst est le premier accélérateur de startups du secteur aéronautique, défense et spatial au monde. Nous avons interviewé son fondateur, François Chopard, afin d’en savoir plus sur le futur de l’aéronautique dessiné par ses startups. La dernière fois que nous nous sommes rendus dans les locaux de Starburst à Paris, c’était en 2016. A l’époque, 150 startups étaient accélérées dont une dizaine présentes dans les locaux… lire l’article
Rbth – 18.03.2021 – Le drone a été doté de systèmes d’armes de nouvelle génération afin de lui offrir une défense efficace contre les ennemis du monde entier. Pourtant, il devra faire ses preuves sur les théâtres d’opérations s’il veut être placé sur un pied d’égalité avec les analogues étrangers. L’Orion appartient à la classe des drones à moyenne altitude et longue endurance (l’abréviation de l’Otan pour cette classe de drones est MALE – Medium Altitude Long Endurance). Cet appareil a des performances de vol assez élevées et une capacité de charge importante, ce qui en fait une bonne plateforme pour transporter des missiles et des bombes. Actuellement, un premier lot de trois drones Orion a rejoint l’armée et d’autres ne vont pas tarder à rejoindre ses rangs… lire l’article
Public Sénat– 19.03.2021 – Des divergences entre le Sénat et le gouvernement sont apparues dans la nuit du 17 au 18 mars lors des débats sur l’article 22 du texte sécurité globale, relatif à l’usage des drones par les forces de l’ordre. Le ministre de l’Intérieur Gérald Darmanin a critiqué le régime d’autorisation préalable introduit par les sénateurs en commission. L’article 22 de la proposition de loi sécurité globale est l’un des points chauds et l’un des principaux enjeux du texte. Et pour cause, il vise à introduire dans notre droit un cadre légal à l’utilisation des drones par les autorités, qui n’existe pas encore à l’heure actuelle. Par deux fois en l’espace d’un an, le Conseil d’Etat, plus haute juridiction administrative du pays, a donné un coup d’arrêt à l’usage de ces aéronefs par la préfecture de police de Paris. Celle-ci les avait employés pour s’assurer du respect des mesures sanitaires au printemps 2020 ou encore pour surveiller des manifestations… lire l’article
sUAS News– 19.03.2021 – Last week the DeltaQuad Pro set records in Norway, as Aviant – a start-up that operates drones for medical transportation – succeeded in transporting blood samples between two Norwegian hospitals that are over 120KM apart. Aviant saw an opportunity to plan this flight with the new European regulations that took effect as of 1 January 2021 and succeeded in planning and performing this mission with Vertical Technologies DeltaQuad Pro. It’s an important milestone for the drone industry because compliance with authorities when planning long-distance flights has proven to be difficult without a pilot in line of sight… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 17.03.2021 – Skyfarer, a drone logistics operator, is leading a consortium including Altitude Angel, to enhance the pathology network in the UK by potentially speeding up patient response and sample turnaround times and make drone delivery of blood for lifesaving transfusions a reality. The programme, which will also focus on COVID supplies, will create a new drone network infrastructure, providing a quicker and likely greener form of medical transport across England. Alongside Altitude Angel and Skyfarer are Cranfield University, Phoenix Wings and telecoms giant O2. The consortium forms the first medical drone delivery network of this type in the heart of England, with plans to create a national infrastructure enabling same day delivery with autonomous drones in the future… lire l’article
Ouest France – 17.03.2021 – Les coupures d’électricités pour cause de réparation ou d’entretien seront de moins en moins nombreuses en Bretagne. Lancé depuis 2016 dans l’utilisation de drones pour contrôler son réseau électrique et détecter les problèmes, Enedis commence désormais à les utiliser pour intervenir sur les lignes. Elle en a fait la démonstration à Saint-Nolff ce mercredi 17 mars 2021 sur une ligne qui commençait à s’effilocher. En attendant un futur changement de câble, elle fait appel à la société Skydrone robotics pour installer deux dispositifs de protection sur la ligne abîmée pour éviter qu’elle continue de se détériorer… lire l’article – 03.03.2021 – Aerial inspections of gas and petroleum pipelines were simulated during NASA’s final Systems Integration and Operationalization (SIO) demonstration flight with partner American Aerospace Technologies Inc. (AATI) Feb. 25, 2021. The SIO demonstration series is in partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and three industry partners to show potential commercial applications using different sizes of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in a variety of locations and different airspace classes. SIO aims to accelerate the safe integration of UAS for commercial applications into the national airspace system… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 18.03.2021 – In a move welcomed by those in the aviation industry, Port of Antwerp has become the first seaport to initiate unmanned air traffic management in a busy and complex port environment. In doing so, they are the first non-aviation authority to become a fully-fledged geozone manager. As geozone manager, the port will be responsible for managing ground risk related to above-the-ground activity, with respects to operational and working drones, overall safety and seamless integration of processes required; all of which are intended to amp up productivity and efficiency of port operations. Drones have many potential use cases that are especially relevant in a complex environment. With the help of drones, ports can increase safety, enforce compliance, and optimise operational efficiency, all with minimal interference to existing infrastructure and process… lire l’article
sUAS News– 16.03.2021 – Nova Systems (“Nova”), a multinational engineering services and technology solutions firm, and OneSky, a global UTM company developing airspace assessment, operations, and traffic management solutions, are pleased to announce the successful completion of Singapore’s first Unmanned Aircraft System (“UAS”) Traffic Management (“UTM”) trials. This brings to a close a two-year consortium project, led by Nova, and co-founded as part of the UAS Call-For-Proposals (CFP) by the Ministry of Transport (“MOT”) and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (“CAAS”)… lire l’article
offshoreWIND – 18.03.2021 – Ocean Infinity, in partnership with the University of Portsmouth, Airborne Robotics and Bentley Telecom, is developing an autonomous fleet of drones for offshore wind farm inspection. The aim of the Drone Swarm for Unmanned Inspection of Wind Turbines (Dr-SUIT) project is to develop an autonomous offshore wind farm inspection fleet consisting of unmanned drone swarms and a marine robotic vessel by 2022. The drones will be connected using 5G technology hosted on one of Ocean Infinity’s Armada uncrewed marine vessels, which will also host battery recharging docking stations… lire l’article
Capital – 19.03.2021 – La Turquie veut mettre à profit ses succès militaires pour devenir un exportateur majeur de drones armés, dont elle vante le rapport qualité-prix ! Les drones offrent aussi à Ankara un levier de pression dans sa quête d’élargir ses zones d’influence. Dans les drones de combat, la Turquie a fait sensation ces derniers temps. Syrie, Libye, Azerbaïdjan… Les drones armés du pays dirigé par Erdogan accumulent les succès militaires. Une aura que la Turquie veut mettre à profit pour s’imposer comme exportateur majeur de ces appareils. Outre la dimension purement militaire, ces drones offrent à la Turquie un levier de pression dans sa quête d’élargir ses zones d’influence à la faveur de la politique étrangère de plus en plus affirmée du président Recep Tayyip Erdogan… lire l’article
Capital – 17.03.2021 – L’Arabie saoudite a fait une demande auprès d’Ankara pour acquérir des drones armés fabriqués en Turquie, rapporte Erdogan. Et ce, alors que la Turquie multiplie les gestes d’ouverture à destination de l’Arabie saoudite et de ses alliés, après des années de vives tensions. L’Arabie saoudite s’intéresse aux drones armés turcs, selon Recep Tayyip Erdogan. « L’Arabie saoudite a fait une demande » en ce sens à la Turquie, a en effet affirmé le chef d’Etat lors d’une conférence de presse à Ankara. Erdogan a toutefois dénoncé la tenue prochaine de manœuvres aériennes gréco-saoudiennes en Méditerranée orientale, qu’Ankara voit d’un mauvais oeil. « Qui veut quoi, ce n’est pas clair », a-t-il dit. Ces déclarations interviennent au moment où la Turquie multiplie les gestes d’ouverture à destination de l’Arabie saoudite et de ses alliés, après des années de vives tensions… lire l’article
Drone Life – 18.03.2021 – Wing CTO Adam Woodworth is one of the most influential aviation experts in the drone industry today – but very few people would recognize him. In a rare public appearance at this year’s SxSW conference, Woodworth talks about developing an aircraft that will allow millions of people to experience drone delivery in their daily lives. Wing has offered the world it’s first look at drone delivery for everyday people: delivering drugstore items, cupcakes, library books, coffee and more to suburban homes… lire l’article
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