Haaretz – 12.03.2021 – Israel Aerospace Industries said Thursday that it would jointly develop an advanced drone-defense system with the United Arab Emirates’ state-owned weapons maker EDGE. State-owned IAI, a major Israeli defense firm, said in a statement that the companies would develop a Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System “tailored to the UAE market, with wider ranging benefits for the MENA region and beyond.”… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 09.03.2021 – Citadel Defense teamed with Syzygy Integration to develop a custom counter drone application for the Department of Defense and federal government agencies. The application accelerates situational awareness and coordinated responses to uncooperative drone activity around critical infrastructure, National Special Security Events (NSSE), military bases, and the border. Working alongside government stakeholders, Citadel and Syzygy developed a Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) based counter-unmanned aircraft system (C-UAS) platform that informs security teams of unwanted drone activity and empowers authorized operators to protect their airspace… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 09.03.2021 – DroneShield Ltd is pleased to advise that it has been accepted into two key US Department of Defense (DoD) consortiums – System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC) and Sensors, Communications, and Electronics Consortium (SCEC). SOSSEC focuses on collaboration, innovation, and cooperation among its partners focussed on DoD mission sets, including areas highly relevant to DroneShield, including Electronic Warfare, Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance and Targeting, and Intelligence Analysis Exploitation and Dissemination… lire l’article
ZDnet – 05.03.2021 – A new anti-drone kit billed as the Swiss Army Knife of drone defenses just debuted from French company CERBAIR. The drone detection and mitigation tool — the business end of which is a hip-fired electromagnetic rifle — is emblematic of a growing urgency to develop security tools for guarding against rogue drone attacks. The prevalence and growing sophistication of drones has created a serious obstacle for law enforcement. Commercially available drones can be used to threaten government officials and carry out attacks during public gatherings and events… lire l’article
AV web – 03.03.2021 – The FAA has chosen five host airports to test technologies designed to “detect and mitigate potential safety risks” presented by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS/drones). The airports selected are New Jersey’s Atlantic City International Airport (ACY), Syracuse Hancock International Airport (SYR) in New York, Rickenbacker International Airport (LCK) in Columbus, Ohio, Huntsville International Airport (HSV) in Alabama, and Washington’s Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). According to the FAA, at least ten counter-UAS technologies or systems will be evaluated at the airports… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 11.03.2021 – Axon , the global leader in connected public safety technologies, and Skydio, the leading U.S. drone manufacturer and world leader in autonomous flight, today announced a strategic partnership to offer Skydio’s world leading autonomous drones to law enforcement and emergency responders via Axon’s unmanned aircraft program, Axon Air. As a Skydio Elite Partner, Axon will be the exclusive reseller and digital evidence management partner of Skydio’s products to public safety globally. In addition, the two companies are working on a joint product roadmap that, in the coming months, will lead to the seamless integration between Skydio drones and Axon Air, Axon Evidence, and Axon Respond… lire l’article
Inside Unmanned Systems – 09.03.2021 – AeroVironment, Inc., a global leader in unmanned aircraft systems, today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Arcturus UAV, now operating under the AeroVironment brand, was awarded a competitive task order valued at approximately $7 million from the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). The competitive task order is for a one-year period of performance, which started February 3, 2021. USSOCOM selected Arcturus UAV as one of six companies qualified for the potential $975 million Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) MEUAS contract in June 2020. The contract enables awardees to compete for site-specific task orders and provide USSOCOM with unmanned aircraft systems services and support for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations… lire l’article
sUAS News – 05.03.2021 – Sandnes, 5 March 2021 – Nordic Unmanned, a leading provider of unmanned systems and services, today announced that it has carried out a private placement of NOK 100 million to pursue acquisitions. “While we see strong organic growth ahead, we also see tremendous opportunities to add value through acquisitions. We have mapped the industry in Europe, identifying a number of potential acquisition targets. There are a number of smaller niche players in the industry that will benefit from the growth engine we have built,” said Knut Roar Wiig, CEO and co-founder of Nordic Unmanned… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 03.02.2021 – Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) have signed a Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) for collaboration in which the companies will offer the Republic of Korea (ROK) military forces with unmanned Loitering Munitions systems. As part of the MOU, KAI and IAI are aiming to expand their long cooperation to market the loitering munitions to ROK Army requirements. KAI’s President & CEO, Hyun-ho Ahn expressed the importance of the partnership between IAI and KAI which have been lasted for last decades for many programs including defense and commercial projects… lire l’article
sUAS News – 03.03.2021 – Iprosurv, l’un des principaux fournisseurs de drones commerciaux du Royaume-Uni, a lancé aujourd’hui Pilot Partnerships, une nouvelle proposition ambitieuse visant à rassembler les opérateurs indépendants du pays et à accroître le professionnalisme du
secteur. Présenté comme une coopérative de pilotes de drones commerciaux, Pilot Partnerships vise à rassembler le grand nombre d’opérateurs indépendants afin de se soutenir mutuellement, de partager les meilleures pratiques et de travailler ensemble pour accroître le professionnalisme et la confiance du public dans le secteur… lire l’article
Elbit System – 02.03.2021 – Elbit Systems announced today that it was awarded an approximately $300 million contract by a country in Asia to provide HermesTM 900 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“UAS”). The contract will be performed over a period of five years. Under the contract, the Company will provide its Hermes 900 UAS and associated sub-systems, as well as maintenance and support services. The Hermes 900 UAS has been selected to date, by 12 countries, attesting to its competitive edge that combines technological sophistication, reliability, open architecture and a solid growth path… lire l’article
UST drone – 03.03.2021 – Boeing Australia, working in conjunction with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), has successfully completed the first test flight of the Loyal Wingman unmanned aerial system (UAS). The Loyal Wingman, which is the first military aircraft to be designed and manufactured in Australia in more than 50 years, is designed to use artificial intelligence to provide manned-unmanned teaming capabilities for supporting air force operations… lire l’article
Geeko – 03.03.2021 – Des ailes remplacent les hélices, renforçant la ressemblance avec les insectes volants. Des chercheurs de l’Université d’Harvard, du MIT et de la City University of Hong Kong sont parvenus à réduire la taille des drones, tout en conservant une bonne résistance aux chocs et aux rafales de vent. C’est en s’inspirant de la nature et plus particulièrement des insectes qu’ils sont parvenus à réduire de manière drastique l’envergure des drones. Pour y parvenir, les chercheurs ont opté pour des matériaux plus légers, mais surtout plus souples pour donner vie à leurs engins. Ainsi, la partie centrale de l’appareil, l’actionneur souple, est constituée de caoutchouc et d’un nanotube en carbone qui, lorsqu’il est soumis à une force électrostatique exerce une pression et un étirement du caoutchouc ce qui fait battre les ailes du drone… lire l’article
Futura Tech – 02.03.2021 – Il porte bien son nom d’Arrow (flèche) avec sa monocoque en fibre de carbone, son absence de dérive et autres ailerons mobiles. Développé par la société Kelley Aerospace basée à Singapour, ce drone de combat dépasse allègrement les vitesses supersoniques en pouvant atteindre les Mach 2,1, soit un peu plus de 2.593 km/h. Avec sa masse maximale réduite à 16.800 kg, le constructeur indique qu’il est capable de parcourir 4.810 km, sans pour autant préciser sa vitesse de croisière. Prévu pour atteindre rapidement une zone de combat, il a de toute façon plus d’autonomie que n’importe quel avion de chasse. Avec son profil effilé et l’absence de plan vertical, l’appareil est furtif et peut mener aussi bien des opérations de combat ou de reconnaissance… lire l’article
Euractiv – 05.03.2021 – La commission des lois du Sénat a validé 73 amendements qui viennent réécrire la proposition de loi dite « sécurité globale » après plusieurs auditions menées par les rapporteurs Loïc Hervé et Marc-Philippe Daubresse, dont la Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL). La polémique autour de ce texte provient, entre autres, de l’article 24 qui prévoyait de punir d’un « an d’emprisonnement et de 45 000 euros d’amende le fait de diffuser, par quelque moyen que ce soit et quel qu’en soit le support, dans le but qu’il soit porté atteinte à son intégrité physique ou psychique, l’image du visage ou tout autre élément d’identification d’un fonctionnaire de la police nationale ou d’un militaire de la gendarmerie nationale lorsqu’il agit dans le cadre d’une opération de police »… lire l’article
Sputnik – 03.03.2021 – Deux entreprises françaises ont été sélectionnées par Beauvau pour lui fournir plus de 600 drones, informe Mediapart. Un choix qui a fait lever les sourcils des spécialistes du secteur, d’autant que la Cnil interdit au ministère d’en faire usage pour l’instant. Disposant déjà de 490 drones, les forces de l’ordre en posséderont prochainement plus du double, le ministère de l’Intérieur ayant prévu d’acheter 565 «micro-drones du quotidien» et 66 «drones de capacité nationale». Rivolier et Milton-Innovation, deux entreprises françaises, viennent d’être choisies pour ce marché, selon les informations de Mediapart… lire l’article
Air & Cosmos – 03.03.2021 – L’US Navy s’intéresse à des essaims de drones lancés depuis ses sous-marins… lire l’article
NewAtlas – 23.02.2021 – Although it’s getting increasingly common to see swarms of illuminated drones being used for aerial light shows, simultaneously charging and launching all of those aircraft can still be tricky. That’s where the Flying Drone Blanket is intended to come in. The « blanket » is being developed by Italian design firm Carlo Ratti Associati (CRA) in collaboration with drone tech firm Flyfire, the latter of which began life as a project spearheaded by the CRA-affiliated MIT SENSEable City Lab… lire l’article
sUAS News – 10.03.2021 – SAN DIEGO – March 2021 – On Jan. 28, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI) and the U.S. Army conducted the first production Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) flights of a Gray Eagle Extended Range (GE-ER) Unmanned Aircraft System using Scalable Command & Control (SC2) software developed by GA-ASI and installed on an Army-owned laptop computer. SC2 controlled an Army GE-ER aircraft for 3.8 hours and the system successfully completed all test points. “SC2 represents a massive reduction in emplacement, mission launch time and overall footprint size,” said GA-ASI Vice President of Strategic Development J.R. Reid… lire l’article
Thema News – 10.03.2021 – L’US Air Force a publié sa dernière insideunmannedsystems.com/arcturus-uav-awarded-7-million-task-order-for-ussocoms-mid-endurance-unmanned-aircraft-systems/demande d’informations car elle énonce davantage d’exigences pour le remplacement de son véhicule aérien sans pilote MQ-9 Reaper , un programme désormais baptisé MQ-Next . Le nouveau document indique que le service étudie un futur drone qui comportera des capacités de contre-aérien défensives pour protéger les aéronefs habités de grande valeur , tels que les pétroliers , ainsi que des missions potentiellement d’agression de l’air rouge. La demande de renseignements (RFI) du Air Force Materiel Command, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) a récemment été publiée sur le site Web des marchés du gouvernement américain beta.SAM.gov… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 04.03.2021 – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI), a leading manufacturer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) systems, radars, and electro-optic and related mission systems solutions, today announced that its company-owned Avenger ER achieved a company milestone as it received an FAA-issued Experimental Certificate (EC) enabling the “Extended Range” Avenger to perform expanded operations in the U.S. National Airspace System. “Since 2005, GA-ASI has worked closely with the FAA to affirm the special airworthiness certification of RPAs, promoting their integration into the National Airspace System,” said GA-ASI Senior Director of Quick Action Programs, Pete Latta. “This EC will also help GA-ASI employ the latest configuration of the Avenger ER for customer payload testing and company investments in advanced UAS control technologies.”… lire l’article
Drone DJ – 10.03.2021 – A new UAV marketed to police SWAT teams includes a feature we’ve never seen before: The drone has a whirling blade that smashes glass. SWAT teams face criticism for their no-knock warrants that kill or injure people – including bystanders and police. If surprise is necessary, sending a drone first into a dangerous situation could theoretically save lives. But how to get a relatively light drone into a locked apartment? The LEMUR’s answer is to just smash through the window… lire l’article
sUAS News – 10.03.2021 – During its ongoing 222nd Session, the ICAO Council today adopted new and amended Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) driving important progress on the international safety and interoperability of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). The new provisions will become effective on 12 July 2021, and applicable as of 26 November 2026. The most important pertain to Annex 8 — Airworthiness of Aircraft to the Chicago Convention, and cover certification requirements for remotely piloted aeroplanes and helicopters, in addition to the remote pilot stations (RPS) they are operated from… lire l’article
sUAS News – 10.03.2021 – A team led by University of Maryland UAS Test Site Director Matt Scassero and University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) transpant surgeon Joseph Scalea has been named the 2021 Helicopter Association International’s (HAI) Golden Hour Award, the organization announced Tuesday (March 9). The award recognizes the efforts of an individual, group, or organization that, through a particular activity or contributions over time, has advanced the use of helicopters or UAS aircraft in the vital mission of air medical transport… lire l’article
The Drive – 10.03.2021 – Northrop Grumman is working on a new loitering munition, a type of weapon also commonly known as a « suicide drone, » as well as other technologies, to meet requirements the U.S. Army has outlined as part of its Air Launch Effects program, or ALE. The company is also developing a 20mm derivative of the 30mm M230 chain gun, dubbed Sky Viper. All of this is related to the Army’s Future Vertical Lift effort, or FVL, which is seeking various types of new rotary-wing aircraft with advanced capabilities to replace various existing helicopters that the service operates now… lire l’article
Les Echos – 04.03.2021 – Enedis va tester une plateforme de gestion de drones pour mieux surveiller et entretenir son réseau de lignes électriques. C’est l’objectif de l’accord signé entre Enedis, gestionnaire du réseau public d’électricité, et la start-up Drone Geofencing (Nîmes), éditrice de Gestadrone, logiciel de gestion d’activité de drones professionnels. Créée en 2019 par Anne Brau et Samuel Brau, Drone Geofencing est incubée au Bic Innov’up de la CCI Gard. La solution vise à faciliter les démarches administratives et réglementaires inhérentes à l’utilisation de drones professionnels… lire l’article
UAS weekly – 09.03.2021 – Altitude Angel has today announced it expects to become Europe’s foremost supplier of UTM (Unified Traffic Management) technologies enabling nationwide drone operations globally within the next 18 months, as it releases new figures which detail the vast and extensive use of its UTM operating system and cloud platform. In the UK, Altitude Angel’s GuardianUTM platform, which is the technology behind many of the leading drone-specific flight planning platforms as well as the UK’s most trusted airspace awareness tools and apps, has supported more than 20,000 drone operations in Controlled (CTR) and Restricted Airspace (FRZ) over the past 12 months with this number expected to rise significantly in 2021… lire l’article
Transport Up – 25.02.2021 – The videos follows the recent headlines made by Joby detailing a SPAC merger with Reinvent Technology Partners, valuing Joby at just over $5.7B USD. The merger also paves the path to listing Joby on the New York Stock Exchange. The prototype, nearly 10 years in the making, is capable of transporting 5 individuals at speeds up to 200 mph a distance of 150 miles using existing battery technology. The eVTOL aircraft uses six large tilting rotors to achieve vertical lift and horizontal winged cruise as demonstrated in the videos… lire l’article
BJi International – 26.02.2021 – PAL-V has completed the full certification basis with EASA for its flying car, the PAL-V Liberty. The requirements were finalised by EASA’s specialist teams, based on a decade of PAL-V’s test results. The vehicle has already received road permission for Europe. The company said the issuance, made after industry consultation, showed the confidence of the European authorities and the maturity of the design and the company. The final phase, before car flying becomes a reality for PAL-V’s customers, is compliance demonstration… lire l’article
Naval News – 12.03.2021 – The Squadron inauguration ceremony took place at Kota Kinabalu Air Station in presence of the RMN’s Chief of Navy, Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany and U.S. Embassy Defense Attaché Captain Muhammad Muzzafar Feroze Khan. For the record, the RMN took delivery of the first batch of six ScanEagles (along with 2 launchers, 2 skyhooks and 3 Ground Control Stations) in May last year. They were donated by the United States under the Maritime Security Initiative (MSI) programme… lire l’article
Elbit Systems – 10.03.2021 – Elbit Systems dévoile la nouvelle génération de son système avancé de charge utile multi-capteurs (AMPS ™ NG), ajoutant la technologie infrarouge à ondes courtes (SWIR) aux capteurs TV CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) actuels, et une conception unique de double capteur FLIR hautement performant. Emballé dans le pod AMPS à deux unités de remplacement de ligne (LRU) largement déployé, l’AMPS NG offre des capacités étendues dans toutes les conditions, augmentant considérablement les performances d’observation dans des conditions de visibilité limitées, en utilisant son canal SWIR pour surmonter efficacement l’humidité, la fumée ou la poussière… lire l’article
SNSM – 25.02.2021 – C’est une première nationale. Un drone exploité pour le contrôle des émissions d’oxyde de soufre dans l’atmosphère a été utilisé pour localiser et sauver quatre naufragés au large du Pas-de-Calais. Ils ont été récupérés par la SNSM… lire l’article
Mer et Marine – 12.03.2021 – Opérations de recherche et de sauvetage avec détection infrarouge et largage de bouées, enquêtes environnementales, inspections de turbines et de sous-stations, livraison de colis… Deme Offshore et Sabca ont réalisé une série de tests avec des drones sur le parc éolien offhore de Rentel, en mer du Nord, à 35 km des côtes belges. La compagnie belge et son compatriote, équipementier aéronautique et filiale du groupe Dassault, sont associés depuis deux ans pour développer des drones dévolus à des missions de surveillance et d’inspection des éoliennes offshore… lire l’article
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