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Newsletter drone Semaine 9-13 novembre 2020

By 13 novembre 2020 No Comments

Logistique terrestre


Un drone cargo pour les forces chinoises

Air & Cosmos – 13/11/2020 – L’armée de l’air de la PLA (people’s liberation army) a récemment testé un nouveau drone, visant à acheminer du matériel militaire et médical en zone de combat et en environnement complexe. Des essais ont été menés en zone montagneuse, au niveau de la province d’Hubei, située à l’Est du pays. Des livraisons par les airs ont été effectuées. L’armée chinoise rapporte par ailleurs que des évacuations ont également pu être conduites, sans donner plus de détails quant à cette application.

Coronavirus: Funding for drone firms helping to deliver COVID-19 tests and supplies

Skynews – 09/11/2020 – As social distancing continues, drones can offer a safe and environmentally friendly solution for delivering medical supplies.



Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Passenger Drones: Honeywell Purchases Ballard Unmanned Systems Assets

Drone Life – 09/11/2020 – Fortune 100 companies are continuing investment in the drone industry.  In further evidence of their interest in urban air mobility (UAM) and other advanced applications, Honeywell (NYSE: HON) purchased Ballard Unmanned Systems assets last month.

Army infantry unit will run drone resupply experiments next year

Army Times – 09/11/2020 – The unit will run its resupply and logistics during force-on-force experimentation during the annual Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment, said Col. Alexis Rivera Espada, head of the service’s Maneuver Battle Lab. Those include a small helicopter type drone that can carry up to 70 pounds and requires a manual load and unload.



Surveillance de zone ou de site


Drone integration advances

AOPA General Aviation News – 09/11/2020 – The federal government has taken another major step toward integration of unmanned aircraft, and while many technical challenges remain, one state on the new FAA program’s roster stands out for developing a ground-based infrastructure that could become a model for situational awareness and safety that others can replicate.



Système autonome de surveillance


Italian Army tests new unmanned ground vehicles

Vision System Design – 06/11/2020 – Milrem Robotics demonstrates THeMIS UGV to Italian Army. This week, Milrem Robotics demonstrated its autonomous THeMIS UGV to the Italian Army. The company also launched a new program to assess and analyze the implementation of intelligent systems into the army’s doctrine.


Military Suppliers to Develop Moving Vehicle Launched Drone System

The Defense Post – 09/11/2020 – ACE is already embedded in a variety of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) employed by five federal agencies in the US along with two other nations…. The system has been deployed to guide thousands of successful UAS sorties…



Aerodyne Japan and ACSL partner to develop Level 4 drone autonomy infrastructure in the ASEAN market

UASweekly.com – 09/11/2020 – Aerodyne employs over 400 drone professionals to operate on an unprecedented level in the UAS services sector, having managed more than 300,000 infrastructure assets with 110,000 flight operations and surveyed over 100,000 km of power infrastructure across 35 countries globally.


Advanced Drone Operations: Overcoming the Barriers to Implementation

Waypoint – 29/10/2020 – The benefits of implementing advanced drone operations are wide-ranging, including the ability to gather more detailed insights and data, as well as expanding the profit potential for your business. Yet why is overall adoption not higher across the globe? The approval process can certainly prove challenging to navigate; advanced drone operations require additional…



Liaison radio


12/11/2020 Kongsberg Geospatial and Unifly partner to provide integrated Urban Situational Awareness for drones

Kongsberg Geospatial announced today that it has partnered with Unifly to enable real-time e-Identification and tracking of drones using Unifly BLIP (Broadcast Location & Identity Platform). Kongsberg Geospatial’s airspace situational awareness system IRIS was developed based on technology originally created for missile defense applications and has been conceived to provide drone operators with enhanced situational awareness while operating unmanned aircraft and land vehicles. https://uasweekly.com/2020/11/12/kongsberg-geospatial-and-unifly-partner-to-provide-integrated-urban-situational-awareness-for-drones/

10/11/2020 Well, technically… 5G’s latency specification will enhance drone applications: Sarah Yost, NI (Ep. 18)

Sarah Yost, NI’s senior business development manager, discusses why it’s too soon to get excited about 6G, as well as how the company’s software-defined radios are supporting the PAWR program, which is, among other things, exploring how to build drone applications on top of 5G networks. https://www.rcrwireless.com/20201110/network-infrastructure/well-technically-nisou&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rcrwireless%2FsLmV+%28RCR+Wireless+News%29


Logistique maritime


09/11/2020 Navy developing UAS for ship cargo resupply

An autonomous vehicle dubbed Blue Water Maritime Logistics UAS flies over Unmanned Air Test and Evaluation (UX) 24 during a demonstration flight at Naval Air Station Patuxent River November 4, 2020. The commercially procured Group-3 UAS arrived at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division for civilian and military training before the warfare center fine-tunes the system with changes like folding wings, dual propulsion system, adjusted cargo capacity, and more for exploratory experimentation in support of requirements set by Military Sealift and Fleet Forces Command. (U.S. Navy photo). https://www.navair.navy.mil/news/Navy-developing-UAS-ship-cargo-resupply/Mon-11092020-1524




11/11/2020 United States Approves Possible FMS Of Submarine Hunting UAVs To The UAE

The United States’ State Department approved a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of up to 19 MQ-9B Remotely Piloted Aircraft and related equipment for an estimated cost of $2.97 billion. The package includes « ASW mission kits » meaning at least some of the aircraft will be the SeaGuardian variant of General Atomics’ MQ-9B. https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2020/11/united-states-approves-possible-fms-of-submarine-hunting-uavs-to-the-uae/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=united-states-approves-possible-fms-of-submarine-hunting-uavs-to-the-uae


Advanced drone consortium wins government funding

RailUK – 09/11/2020 – Led by sees.ai, the consortium, which includes HS2 delivery team Skanska Costain STRABAG, is working to facilitate pilotless drone access to the hardest to reach areas of industrial landscapes, providing for better and faster exchange of information between offsite and onsite teams; helping increase productivity, boosting health & safety of onsite workers; and reducing the number of visits to site overall.

The technology is an enterprise command and control service provider, able to support industrial and engineering industries to overcome modern challenges to their productivity, including those thrown up by the pandemic.

Sony launches Airpeak drone business to support ‘video creators’

Engadget – 09/11/2020 – That makes it sound like Sony wants to take on consumer  focused drone makers such as DJI, Parrot and Skydio. Sony wants a bigger piece of the drone market.



Syrie : une attaque de drone tue sept rebelles à Idleb_French.news.cn

新华网 – 08/11/2020 – DAMAS, 7 novembre (Xinhua) — Sept rebelles ont été tués samedi lors d’une attaque de drone dans la province d’Idleb, dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, a indiqué l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’homme.

Drones, reconnaissance faciale : la loi sécurité globale ouvre la voie à la surveillance généralisée

http://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Secti… – 09/11/2020 – Et en particulier les articles 21 et 22 de cette loi de Sécurité Globale, qui dérégulent totalement l’usage des « caméras-piétons » que les forces de répression sont autorisées à porter depuis 2016, ainsi que l’usage de drones dans le cadre d’une surveillance de masse.

La Suisse durcit sa réglementation drone

AeroBuzz.fr – 09/11/2020 – Le 2 juin 2018, un Bombardier Global Express au décollage de l’aéroport régional de Bern-Belp (LSZB) avait manqué de peu une collision avec un drone alors que celui-ci volait avec une trajectoire convergente, 30m en dessous de l’avion d’affaires.



DRONE VOLT : Lancement d’une augmentation de capital avec maintien du DPS pour un montant d’environ 3,5 millions de dollars

Boursorama – 08/11/2020 – 0,220 euros par action, soit une décote faciale de -13,4% par rapport au cours de clôture de l’action DRONE VOLT le 5 novembre 2020 (0,254 euros) et une décote de -12,3% par rapport à la valeur théorique de l’action DRONE VOLT ex-droit (0,251 euros) …



Recherche et Developpement


TU Delft maritime hydrogen drone flies longer and greener

tudelft – 10/11/2020 – A drone that can fly sustainably for long distances over land and water, and can land almost anywhere, will be able to serve a wide range of applications. There are already drones that fly using ‘green’ hydrogen, but they either fly very slowly or cannot land vertically. That’s why researchers at TU Delft together with the Royal Netherlands Navy and the Dutch Coastguard service developed a hydrogen-powered drone that is capable of vertical take-off and landing whilst also being able to fly horizontally efficiently for several hours, much like regular aircraft. The drone uses a combination of hydrogen and batteries as its power source. The first successful tests were held in one of the most challenging scenarios: from a ship sailing on the open seas. This also brings maritime applications within reach and represents a new step in making aviation more sustainable.

Inspection technique


11/11/2020 NCDOT wins first approval for out-of-sight drone bridge inspections (Video)

The North Carolina Department of Transportation has been using drones since 2016 for bridge inspections, but now the agency can use the devices beyond the visual line of sight of the pilot and without visual observers.

It is the first state department of transportation to receive a Tactical Beyond Visual Line of Sight waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration, NCDOT says. https://www.equipmentworld.com/ncdot-approval-out-of-sight-drone-bridge-inspections-video/


Surveillance du narcotrafic


11/11/2020 Martin UAV Partners with SOUTHCOM on Enhanced Counternarcotics Operation

Martin UAV successfully demonstrated the shipboard integration of its V-BAT as well as its impressive maritime capabilities in support of United States Southern Command’s (SOUTHCOM) counter narcotics operations in the Eastern Pacific from Oct. 6, 2019 to July 31, 2020. Support for the mission included the highly visible Enhanced Counter Narcotics Operations that began April 1 and was kicked off by the President of the United States. https://uasweekly.com/2020/11/11/martin-uav-partners-with-southcom-on-enhanced-counternarcotics-operation/




Hundreds of Titan C-sUAS systems receiving AI upgrades to counter the latest foreign-built drone threats

Business Wire – 10/11/2020 –  SAN DIEGO – Citadel Defense has pushed a new AI and machine learning software release to Titan systems deployed across thirteen countries. Citadel’s AI and machine learning software has evolved over 27 months of successful deployments across multiple combatant commands and hundreds of unique environments. Owning the world’s largest dataset adapted for AI-based drone detection, Citadel can quickly and cost-effectively extend protection against emerging foreign-built drones, like those used in recent attacks on Armenia and the Middle East, that evade legacy counter drone systems.

11/11/2020 Black Sage Contributes to Successful Drone Detections at Incheon International Airport

Illegal drones were detected approximate to the Incheon International Airport by a C-UAS system featuring Black Sage technology and layered sensors installed at Incheon International Airport. Air traffic quickly and safely returned to normal due to the efficiency and effectiveness of the airport authority’s security system and protocols. https://uasweekly.com/2020/11/11/black-sage-contributes-to-successful-drone-detections-at-incheon-international-airport/


Telex : Kaspersky teste un anti-drone, Compal touché par un ransomware, Zoom transige avec la FTC

Le Monde informatique – 09/11/2020 – Kaspersky teste un anti-drone. Eugène Kasperky a présenté sur son blog un appareil sur un trépied, avec une forme de jumelles sur le dessus. Il s’agit d’un dispositif anti-drone, « capable de tirer sur un drone qui s’approche de trop près d’une infrastructure critique », souligne le dirigeant. Il évoque par exemple l’affaire de l’aéroport de Gatwick où plusieurs milliers de vols ont été annulés à cause de la présence de drones.


Global Counter Unmanned Aerial System (C-UAS) Market Research 2020 Report | Grow

News.MarketSizeForecasters.com /- 09/11/2020 – Market Study Report, LLC, has recently added a concise research on the Counter Unmanned Aerial System (C-UAS) market to depict valuable insights related to significant market trends driving the industry.

MARSS and its partners successfully demonstrate world-first CUAS application

UASweekly.com – 09/11/2020 – MARSS and its partners have successfully collaborated to celebrate a world first in disabling UAS and drone threats…. It saw the ground-breaking technology detect, track and engage a hostile UAS in seconds.





Israël: Tsahal neutralise un drone appartenant au Hezbollah ayant tenté de s’infiltrer depuis le Liban (armée)

i24news – 10/11/2020 – L’armée israélienne a neutralisé un drone appartenant au groupe terroriste Hezbollah ayant tenté de s’infiltrer depuis le Liban, a indiqué mardi un porte-parole de Tsahal dans un communiqué.

« Les troupes de Tsahal ont abattu un drone appartenant au Hezbollah et qui a tenté de s’infiltrer dans l’espace aérien israélien depuis le Liban », a-t-il expliqué.


Mali : un drone français tue des terroristes

La Nouvelle Tribune – 08/11/2020 – Un drone de la force militaire française au Sahel, Barkhane, a abattu plusieurs terroristes…. Les soldats de la force Barkhane ont détecté puis frappé les terroristes à l’aide d’un drone.




Armenia claims it shot down Azerbaijani Bayraktar TB2 combat drone

Defence Blog – 09/11/2020 – On 8 November, the spokesperson for Armenia’s Defense Ministry, Shushan Stepanyan, has reported that its rockets shot down an Azerbaijani Bayraktar TB2 combat drone. At the announcement, Shushan Stepanyan said that at around 13:40 Armenian Air Defense units of the Defense Army shot down another enemy Bayraktar TB2 in the southeastern direction in the disputed […] The post first appeared on.


Azerbaijani drone blows up Armenian modern air defense system

Defence Blog – 09/11/2020 – On Monday, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan has released footage showed a drone attack targeting a new Armenian Tor-M2KM surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. The Tor-M2KM is a modern short-range air defense system that Armenia has received from Russia last year. A video statement published on the Ministry of Defense website said that on November […] The post first appeared on Defence Blog.



Recherche et sauvetage


Scientific Systems Company Conducts First of Its Kind Demonstration Using UAV Teamed with Search and Rescue Canines

UASweekly  – 13/11/2020 – In ground breaking research conducted for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Innovation Office (I2O), Scientific Systems Company, Inc. (SSCI) has demonstrated a team composed of a fully autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and a search and rescue canine collaborating together without intervention from a human handler to conduct a simulated search and rescue mission.



Diagnostic post-crise


10/11/2020 Han Tang Technology/UAV Corp Completes Initial Test of the DATT SA-70 Airship

Han Tang Technology/UAV Corp through its subsidiary Skyborne Technology, Inc. has successfully conducted an inflation test of the new DATT SA-70 semi-rigid Airship with drone package during the week of November 1-5, 2020. “The DATT SA-70Airship will have both manned and unmanned capabilities with a package of two (2) drones on-board the ship. The tether-airship is approximately seven stories high with a payload capability of up to 1000 lbs. https://uasweekly.com/2020/11/10/han-tang-technology-uav-corp-completes-initial-test-of-the-datt-sa-70-airship/


11/11/2020 UAVs for Meteorological Profiling in Wildfire Environments

Anemoment has released the following article detailing research performed with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) into environmental conditions occuring during wildfires. Anemoment provided its TriSonica Mini wind and weather sensor, which was mounted on a DJI Matrice 200 drone operated by the Fire Weather Research Laboratory at San Jose State University. https://www.unmannedsystemstechnology.com/2020/11/uavs-for-meteorological-profiling-in-wildfire-environments/


Relevés volumétriques


12/11/2020 Quimper. Pourquoi un drone a-t-il survolé les remparts, ce jeudi ?

Un léger vrombissement rappelant le bourdonnement des abeilles. Des rubalises pour interdire l’accès au jardin de la retraite. Des piétons invités à contourner la zone. Un drone a survolé ce jeudi 12 novembre 2020 les remparts de Quimper (Finistère). L’objectif : réaliser des relevés photogrammétriques afin d’effectuer un état des lieux du monument. https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/quimper-29000/quimper-pourquoi-un-drone-survole-t-il-les-remparts-ce-jeudi-7048983



Surveillance de la faune


[Video] Counting Penguins with a Multi-Drone Imaging System #drone #droneday

Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, a… – 09/11/2020 – Fascinating read and video coverage from Stanford: The use of multiple drones circumvents these challenges, and it was made possible by a unique route planning algorithm developed by the Stanford researchers. Given a survey space, the algorithm partitioned the space, assigned destination points to each drone and figured out how to move the drones through those points in the most efficient way…




Computer vision technology to detect drone threat

Droneshield – 10/11/2020 – Sydney, Australia, DroneShield (ASX:DRO) (“DroneShield » or the “Company”) is pleased to showcase its DroneOptID optical AI improvised threat detection capabilities, developed in partnership with the University of Technology Sydney.

It’s been called ‘the future of warfare.’ Off-the-shelf unmanned aerial systems (UASs), carrying a ‘payload’ of explosives or biological material, flown by terrorists or enemy armed forces into a crowded building or military base.

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